Aérospatiale Alouette III details

Here you can find Alouette III detail photographs from last summer. This French helicopter was still in Austrian military forces last summer. This type is quite an oldie nowadays so I was surprised to see it in flight too – and in great condition! So here is that lark (alouette stands for lark) in all its old-fashioned beauty:

1/ Exterior Details

All the pictures published in this article have horizontal dimensions (width) equal to 1500 pixels – so you will be able to see more details downloading them and then opening them on your computer.

The helicopter was photographed mainly from its left-hand (port) side. Why? It was very hot so the crew and a bunch of  visitors found their shelter in a helicopter’s shadow there.

Please do not miss the weathered and thus multishade appearance of otherwise unicolor olive green camouflage.

Side-view shots with front door in both closed and opened positions.

Please note the crowds in copter shadow again…

The engine, rotors and rotor hubs are visible here in closer detail – not close enough for modellers I know… therefore these areas are better documented in Engine & Rotor Hub section below.

Please note the left slide door and external rescue hoist structure above it/on the roof of helicopter (upper picture).

The Left hand main undercarriage close up – camera is looking down and toward the tail of machine (lower picture).

Engine & Rotor hub

a/ Engine & Main Rotor Hub

These two shots (upper and lower) show the engine from behind.

The engine and rotor hub right-hand (starboard) side:

More rotor hub details shot from different directions.

Please do not miss the shapes of two aerials and a light mounted on the helicopter roof.

External rescue hoist was incomplete on this machine. The lifting mechanism was not attached – it would be on the left end of the hoist base structure (upper picture).


b/ Tail Rotor & Tail Rotor Hub

2/ Interior Details

This is the cockpit interior photographed from left-hand side again.

Please note three different styles of seat construction in the cockpit…

…and the harness is not the same either.

Here is the cockpit rear wall (upper image) and the ceiling details (lower image).

I hope these shots can help you with your Alouette III kit detailing.

If you would like to see this nice helicopter in flight, please look at my short footage from the same photo event – click this link. And finally the Alouette interior 360° view.

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Text & Images Copyright © 2013 by Marcel Meres

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