MiG-21 MA (MF) in our “kitchen” (Kuchyna Air Base, Slovakia) Pt. I.

Inspired by a brand new MiG-21MF model kit made by the famous Czech manufacturer EDUARD I posted several MiG-21 photographs here. My shots are dedicated mainly to those of you who would like to build this wonderful airplane in Slovak colors. All the airplanes below are MiG-21M type photographed at Kuchyna Air Base (Pls. note, that Kuchyna means “kitchen” in Slovak language). There are many polemics concerning the designation “M” or “MA” (“Izdelije 96A” and/or “MiG-21M, type A” too). Moreover this type is commonly misinterpreted as newer type “MF” – because it is nearly identical. I am no MiG-21 guru so I prefer to use the “M” designation.

MiG-21MF Slovak AF 1203 right side

All my photographs posted here are from 2001 – thanks to Mr. Jozef Frastia, my good friend, modeller and also the Wardell Memorial founder who was managing the Air Base visit. I photographed the fighting-fit Slovak Su-25 attack planes at that time too – please find my older post here. The MiGs were probably out of service – please note the yellow labels attached to their Pitot tubes – the red text saying “DEKOMMISSION” most likely means decommission. I tried to shoot both sides of the particular planes. Please forgive the lower quality of several pictures due to strong sunshine and the bare metal shine too.

MiG-21MF Slovak AF 1203 left side

According to these references this MiG No. 1203 and all the rest of planes depicted should be MiG-21MA. During the secondary repairs these planes were probably upgraded into MF standards (the canopy periscope added, the aerodynamic fence under the auxiliary air inlet hatch added, more powerful engine replacement and so on…)


Note the wolf head emblem – it is on the left side only.

MiG-21MF Slovak AF 1113 right side 

Here is  No. 1113, with the identical wolf emblem in front of the cockpit. The same machine photographed elsewhere can be seen here.

MiG-21MF Slovak AF 1113 left

Here we have No. 1206 – please note the surface plates varying shades:

MiG-21MF Slovak AF 1206 right side

MiG-21MF Slovak AF 1206 left side

MiG-21MF Slovak AF 1206 left side

The No. 1208 with the wolf emblem too (following two shots):

MiG-21MF Slovak AF 1208 left

MiG-21MF Slovak AF 1208 right

Unfortunately I have only this right-side shot of No. 1209. Please note the emblem on its rudder:

MiG-21MF Slovak AF 1209 left

MiG-21MF Slovak AF 1209 detail

I have found some close-ups of No. 1208 documenting several interesting details like undercarriage areas, the fuselage stenciling, various hatches and so on – I will post them all here in the next post when I get to it. This post is included in the References Category, where you can find similar articles. If you enjoyed this post, I’d be very grateful if you’d help it spread by sharing it on Facebook.

Images & Text Copyright © by Marcel Meres.

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9 Responses to MiG-21 MA (MF) in our “kitchen” (Kuchyna Air Base, Slovakia) Pt. I.

  1. Ruzicka Peter says:

    Ahoj Marcel
    Dakujem Ti sa tie fantasticke Fotky slovenskych MiG-21 a Su-25! Nahodou som Ta nasiel v facebook….:-) Keby si tych fotiek nahodou mal este viac, prosil by som Ta mi nejake poslat cez E-Mail.
    Srdecny pozdrav
    P.S. Kupil som 8 kusov MiG-21 MF od Eduarda a planujem robit 7714, 7704, 7713, 2615, 1210, 9502, 9712 a 9713. Asi v auguste vide ceska MiG-21 MF verzia mozno aj s nejakou masinou ktora neskor presla na Slovensko a pocitam aj s tym, ze Eduard potom aj slovensky MiG-21 MF vyda, na zaklade toho uspechu ktory ma 7713-ka v dekalkoch.

  2. Meres says:

    Ahoj Peto! Som velmi rad, ze Ti moje fotecky ulahodili. Boli tu roky v supliku a takto aspon posluzia modelarom, preto ich postupne vytahujem, skenujem a zverejnujem. Prave som retusoval detaily na MiG-21 MA(MF), cislo 1208. Je tam vselico z draku, pohlad do chvosta bez motora, podvozky atd. Tento tyzden zosmolim clanocek (mozno to bude na 2) a zavesim, tie fotky by Ti ako modelarovi urcite mohli pomoct.
    P.S. paci sa mi Tvoj zapal – 8 ks. EDUARD Migin, to je super rozbeh!

    • Ruzicka Peter says:

      Ahoj Marcel
      Tak dakujem a tesim sa na Tvoje dalsie fotky a clanky…..:-) Mimochodom mam asi 20 dalsich modelov MiG-21 MF / PF /PFM od Academy, so vsetkymi doplnkami ktore bolo dostat na trhu poslednych 10 rokov. Eduard slubil ze urobia aj PF, PFM , US, atd. takze treba cakat….:-)

      • Meres says:

        Fiha! … tak Ty si asi ozajstny MiG-lover. Ja som len davno davno staval Revell 1/32 a potom som cakal na poriadnu 21 vo stvrtke. Od ACADEMY mam PF, ale stale este nezlepenu. Dockal som sa pecky od EDU – a teraz mam prilis malo casu lepit. Ale snad raz…

  3. Ruzicka Peter says:

    So zvedavy na tu 1208……:-) Skoda, ze s tej 1209 neexistuje fotka z pravej strany. Naozaj ziadnu nemas?

    • Meres says:

      Nemam – zial. Hladal som usilovne, ale nic. Vies, to fotenie bolo dost narychlo a sam neviem, preco som ju neodfotil z druhej strany… pochybujem, ze by som bol stratil negativ, ale samozrejme aj to je mozne. Ak by som ho niekde prilezitostne nasiel, ja ho samozrejme pre uplnost doplnim do clanku. Ale bola by to skor nahoda.

    • Meres says:

      Tak Peto, dnes som mal trosku cas a zavesil som clanok s 1208, mozes popozerat. Podvozky zas niekedy inokedy.

  4. Ruzicka Peter says:

    Tak to je zasa parada……:-) Pozri sa ale na tie Fotky lebo sa mi zda, ze namiesto A4-siroke su ako A4-vysoke vidiet. Troch to skresluje pohlad……

    • Meres says:

      Ahoj Peter,
      pravdu povediac nerozumiem o akej A4 pises.
      Tie fotky su v originali 9 x 13 cm. Su skenovane na 300 DPI, cize maju tak okolo 1535 x 1063 pixelov.
      Samozrejme som setril miestom na servri, takze ak na fotke bolo hluche miesto – dole sneh alebo hore obloha, tak som to odrezal.
      Preto niektore fotky uz nemaju originalny rozmer – ale to myslim ani nie je potrebne. Myslim, ze k ziadnemu skresleniu by ale dochadzat nemalo.

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